ASHT’s Hybrid HTRC - August 5-6

ASHT's Hybrid Hand Therapy Review Course - your ultimate learning experience for a comprehensive evaluation and assessment process in upper extremity rehabilitation. Appropriate for all skill levels.
This NEW interactive course upgrades your learning experience, allowing you to engage in hands-on practice of palpation, special testing, manual therapy techniques, and treatment interventions covered in traditional lecture courses.

One unique feature of this course is the cadaver lab, led by 2 Certified Hand Therapists (CHTs), where you'll explore pertinent anatomy in detail. This hands-on approach is particularly beneficial for kinesthetic learners and therapists working in settings with limited access to live mentors.

The primary focus of the course is to facilitate active learning and practical application of hand and upper extremity therapy principles. By actively participating in the course, you'll be better equipped to retain the presented information and improve your skills in the field.

Join us for ASHT's Hybrid Hand Therapy Review Course, and embark on a transformative learning journey to enhance your clinical practice and advance your career in hand therapy.
Don't miss this opportunity to take your skills to the next level!


Hand in Hand with Ukraine!


ASHT Webinar - Sept 14, 2022